So are vacation was so awsome.. I cant wait till the year is up to do it again. The boys tubed down the river over and over they fished, we got to swim in the river, thats really the only hing i got to do . I could have done more but I feel I play with emma best when it comes to the both of us. not to mean to him he is a great dad. but I just am more fun for her and I figured nick wanted daddy anyways. We got to drive a bob cat everywhere which was fun emma loved the that. My favorite part was the 5 bedroom 3 bath house. No toys everywhere, equiptment.. we live in a 2 bedroom duplex, so we are lacking on the room. so now my dream of being a homeowner is even worse now. so now we have to really file bankruptsy. It was great to see my family even if I am a cow..I didnt want to go home being so big but its life I guess..
emma is still doing really well with her swim therapy its so cute..shes got so much personality for such a quite child. and shes gonna have to join tvs anonomouse{how ever you spell that} she has really regressed alot on eating but with her feeding therapy is actually trialing peanut butter..which is great but i cant bring myself to try it. it just seems dangerous. Her chair got approved just waiting for it to come i'm very excited shes never had anything new. shes a second hand gal. weve realized lately that she loves her bed..she will not fall asleep almost at all now. but you put her in her bed and she rolls right over grabs her bars and passes out its the cutest thing ever..so next i'm gonna try for a new bed again. of course after we fight the potty chair..fight fight bla..
ps my friend michelle is still fighting her health issues, shes has yet to be taken care of properly by a doct, with her cancer. she was getting ready to have a hysterectomy and now shes pregnant with twins, but one them have passed on. so if you could pray for her. she is in a really tough spot. pray for healing and strength.. I love you michelle ..i'm so sorry all this is happening to you. I wish I could be there for you..