Wednesday, September 30, 2009

emanuel syndrome sucks..

emma got her report where the do the what age she acts like in this and that.. She was basically from 6 months to 9 months. she did have a 1 month it was in communication. I wish she could just talk to me..I miss baby babble..although Nick does make up for her in the speech dept.. lol..i'm pretty ok with her disablilty. I dont grieve it to much when I see other lil girls its like i'm numb to it. but theres times I do get sad. other than that she is loving school..she has a lil girlfriend at school who is disabled also, they always pair them together they both dont talk but will smile at each other.. they have a rice box full of rice they always play intogether..well anyways.. her mom bought emma a lil neckalce. its a best friend necklace and they each were one. I thought it was just the sweetest thing ever to do. If she would have caught me on the right day I totally would have cried.. So on my behalf. my social anxiety seems to be getting worse. dont know whats that all about. I have alot to say but some how it only comes out in my head and I just am silenced. I know it must seem awkward, hopefully people jsut think im shy not rude..

Nick is doing good he has started horse therapy. of course he loves and thinks hes the best rider in the he's getting a lil conceited its really hillarious. he got a hair cut yesterday and picked a celebrities and now he thinks he looks like the guy..funny..other than that not much..still dreaming of an extreme home an alone vacation..


Toes in the sand

Bahama's princess

Bahama's princess
make a wish 2013



i love u

i love u

Emma in the nicu

Emma in the nicu