today I am reminded that we all need to hug,kiss, and love our children. just how they are.. so many times people, me take for granted life and the life of our children. I am a regular member on a chat room type place, its a place were moms came come together and chat about there special needs child. sometimes even get free or reduced medical supplies. if it werent for this place emma would have no feeding tube extentions and for me I would have no many people to chat with.. any how.. I made a friend on there, not a close friend but we have chatted. her baby has passed on.. I hope the mom is ok.. i just feel so bad. plus another mother on this site just lost her lil boy.. life is so scary,funny we never know when its going to be our time.. so please just love your life, love your family..be grateful..please say a prayer for cynthia and her baby cheyenne.
on the good front.. emma ate about 2 tablespoons of baby food tonight i think she really liked the flavor.. this is the ONLY time she has ever reacted like this.. she was trying to chew it and even swallowing it.. I know it smelled good.. If I put it down she would wine.. which is new too.. shes so peaceful.. ow my car is about to get repossed all i can say astaloowago.. buddy.. on the good news is ssi is going to give me 2000 of her money to buy a used car.. wooohooo.. I just pray to the lemon fairies to stay away from my car.. i hopefully i can go get it tomorow.. well thinking of everyone.. oh yea emma got her 5th tooth..thats only in 3 months crazy. and she has another ear infection thats 3 in 2 months.. so ear plugs are probably in our close future.. bless and love to all..