Saturday, November 22, 2008

cough cough cough

Emma has been fighting a cold for a week now..since her ear tube surgery it has gotten way worse.. all she does is cough she cant sleep or anything..its so pitiful.. and she doesnt know how to cover her mouth so with every cough we are showered.. I took her to the er today and they said she has sinusitus nothing they can do about her cough..they gave her some antibiotics.. and said to put some vicks on her bib.. ok i just dont see that working..I feel like taking someone hostage and making them give her some cough syrup..the way she is coughing i would have guess wooping cough or something..poor girl..she is so upset its making her mad..please pray its better soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Gracie goes through that and we give her cough syrup. Dimetapp or robutussin works best. You can use the over the counter for children just reduce the dose. We give Gracie about 1/2 tsp...sometime we add tylenol for any throat,ear pain.....I know they dont tell you to give it...but what on earth else can you do..and it always worked before they took it off the market. Use a humidifier and vicks vapo you can put the liquid in the humidifier tray if it has one...poor little emma I feel bad for her...Gracie is just getting over hers. Anything with Guafstatin (spelling?) loosens the mucus and she can cough it up better. Good luck
Maria /Gracie (ES)


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